Sunday, July 27, 2008

Last London Weekend

Our days left in London are already in the single digits- 5! Our flat mates start leaving tomorrow. It is so weird that everyone is starting to pack up and head out in all different directions. Aviva will fly home to Montreal tomorrow, Sarah back to Brooklyn, and Kayla to Paris with her parents. Nikki is here until Thursday and then off to Turkey, then we leave Friday, followed by Kyla heading home to Indiana and Ayumi off to Barcelona next weekend. Goodbyes are never fun!

Today we all went to tea together at the Orangery in Kensington Gardens and then walked around Hyde Park. The highest temperatures here have still only been in the 80s since we have been here, but you really notice the complete lack of air conditioning everywhere in these temperatures, especially on the cram-packed tube or when you are trying to go to sleep at night! Texas may be hot, but we do have air-conditioning at least.

Leaving here is bittersweet. Sall and I both agreed that if we didn't have exciting things like living in our brand new house (that we haven't seen completed, yet!) or getting to see all of our friends and family, we would be much more sad about leaving. We still have 5 more festival performances to get through though! On Tuesday, Buckingham Palace opens for tours, so we are heading there after work, and then meeting Ayumi and our boss Nisa for dinner and then going to see West Side Story as a final goodbye. On Friday, we have to bring all of our luggage to work (we take the overground though, so it won't be too difficult despite the amount stuff we have with us) will set up for our final festival performance, and then Mark and David Hannah (the same guy that picked us up at the airport) are taking us to Paddington station to get on the Heathrow Express. After an almost 9 hour overnight layover at JFK in New York, we will be back in Dallas by 11am this Saturday, fingers crossed. See y'all there, right??

Things we are looking forward to about being back in the USA:

- unlimited refills of diet coke and iced tea with plenty of ice
- air conditioning
- being able to understand everyone's accents (and everyone being able to understand ours!)
- seeing our new house (and grandma's)
- seeing our friends and family and phoebe (our dog!)
- SNOW CONES, cool whip, and normal peanut butter
- text messaging, phone calls; means of communication other than skype and email, basically!
- target

Well, I will post again to let everyone know we made it safe and sound back home, but until then- CHEERS!

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