Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was a great birthday, very different from last year (when us and our flatmates stayed out past when the tube was running and tried for two hours to navigate the bus system home), but good nonetheless. My boss and I were out in the field all morning with some regional archaeologists for the park service who were checking on some prehistoric and historic sites to make sure that people/roads/weather/etc. were not harming them. They were hilarious and so knowledgeable and cursed like sailors and tried to convince me to move to D.C. to manage nonprofits after I go to grad school—all I know is that whatever I end up doing I want to be as enthusiastic about it as they are about their jobs! At lunch Paul surprised me with a delicious cake and ice cream that was shared by not only our office but also the archaeologists and GIS specialist that we went out with and the four researchers who were with natural resources today! Needless to say it was a big NPS party. We then headed back out to hike the rest of the sites with the archaeologists for the rest of the afternoon and then it was time to head home! Got home, took a little birthday run, showered and then Kaitlyn and I went to a celebratory dinner and then to use internet at Panera for the night. Caught up on my emails and talked to a lot of people wishing me happy birthday and now I’m home for the night, about to watch a movie and head to bed, it was a long day! Also, NEWS FLASH: the interns just changed around our schedule and we are now going to come in a little early every day so that we can have every other Friday off…aka I have plenty of time for weekend visitors and/or trips if anyone is interested. And if you’re not, then mail us some VHS tapes and DVDs to watch…we’ve been craving a little Mamma Mia! if anyone wants to lend it out for a few months!

Pally Out!

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